
Showing posts from July, 2018

Google Removes Public Submit URL to Google Tool

Google has removed the public version of their submit URL tool.  This tool allowed anyone to submit a URL to Google, as it wasn’t restricted to site owners only, Google Webmasters ✔ @googlewmc  ·  25 Jul Want to let us know about new or updated pages quickly? Use Search Console's Fetch & Submit for individual pages, or just have your CMS tell us directly with a sitemap file or feed. Find out more: https:// wer/6065812  … Google Webmasters ✔ @googlewmc We've had to drop the public submission feature, but we continue to welcome your submissions using the usual tool in Search Console and through sitemaps directly. 3:55 PM - Jul 25, 2018 39 40 people are talking about this Twitter Ads info and privacy Why was this done?  While there were some site owners who used it to submit URLs who were unaware of Google Search Console, it is likely the majority ...

Helping publishers recover lost revenue from ad blocking

Today, the majority of the internet is supported by digital advertising. But bad ad experiences—the ones that blare music unexpectedly, or force you to wait 10 seconds before you get to the page—are hurting publishers who make the content, apps, and services we use every day. When people encounter annoying ads, and then decide to block all ads, it cuts off revenue for the sites you actually find useful. Many of these people don't intend to defund the sites they love when they install an ad blocker, but when they do, they block all ads on every site they visit.  Last year we  announced  Funding Choices to help publishers with good ad experiences recover lost revenue due to ad blocking. While Funding Choices is still in beta, millions of ad blocking users every month are now choosing to see ads on publisher websites, or “whitelisting” that site, after seeing a Funding Choices message. In fact, in the last month, over 4.5 million visitors who were asked to allow ads said...

The Real Future Of Artificial Intelligence And Cancer

Cancer is a complex and uncontrollable beast that mutates and changes the goalposts before you get into the politics and economics surrounding the issue. There isn’t just one cancer either – the homogenous term is misleading into thinking the problem is even solvable. Scientists and technologists alike are seeing hope though - not through increased funding but technological advancement in the form of Artificial Intelligence. Recently attending CogX  - one of the more robust and significant AI conferences in the UK - healthcare was very much on the menu. Medicine is already benefitting greatly from machine learning (a subset of AI) in areas from diagnosis to treatment, and we've barely scratched the surface. As more and more data becomes available – along with better computers and science – we start to see a shift happening. “Guilty Doctors” according to Professor Joanna Holbrook, Director Translational Biology, benevolent AI, are now up against a “humanly impossible amount ...

Artificial intelligence and jobs

What’s left for humanity will require uniquely human skills Steve Woods is co-founder and CTO of , a relationship intelligence platform. When the machines took over farming, a new set of industrial jobs blossomed. When the robots took over the factories, we moved to IT jobs that had never previously existed. Now that AI is taking over another swath of jobs, a wave of as-of-yet-unheard-of jobs, will soon flourish. Or, will it? The thinking that leads to this conclusion has a long, decorated history going back to Joseph Schumpeter’s description of creative destruction in the 1940s. According to Schumpeter, the “gale of creative destruction” describes the “process of industrial mutation that incessantly revolutionizes the economic structure from within, incessantly destroying the old one, incessantly creating a new one.” This time around, however, he is likely wrong. Humans do not have an infinite set of capabilities. We are capable of many things, but...

Google is redefining mobile with artificial intelligence

At Google’s annual developer conference in Mountain View today, the company took the wraps off the  next version of Android . It’s not named yet, so simply called ‘P’ but what  is  clear is that Google is executing on its clear lead in AI across every surface it develops for. Today, we saw how Google is redefining mobile with machine learning at its core. Let’s take a quick look at how it’s redefining Android, and what that means for the future of mobile. Machines with context Google’s been investing in artificial intelligence for years at this point, and that lead is beginning to pay off. Android P, at its core, represents the merging of software with these smarter tools, using it to help the end user proactively, rather than simply applying the same set of rules to everyone. A great example of this:  adaptive battery . Google now processes signals from across your daily usage, including the types of load you put on it during the day (...

RxJs: Reducing number of API Calls to your server using debounceTime

Exploring debounceTime in RxJs debounceTime This article assumes you have a decent knowledge of Observables. If you are new to Observables I highly recommend checking out the link below by  Ashish Singh . Recently, I was working on a small project where I had to hit third-party API to get search results whenever a user starts entering some text in the input box. Something like real-time searches by Google. While I was implementing this feature I found an interesting behavior in the above approach and also discovered a new cool operator, which I would like to share with you in this blog post. Let’s get started. Example ( Jsbin Link ) So, I created a small example where I have an input box and an Observable watching that input box and on every  keyup  event, it will emit an  KeyBoardEvent  from which we will extract the value entered by the user using map operator. Further, On Subscribing to this Observable, we will pass every value emitte...

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