Google Removes Public Submit URL to Google Tool
Google has removed the public version of their submit URL tool. This tool allowed anyone to submit a URL to Google, as it wasn’t restricted to site owners only, Google Webmasters ✔ @googlewmc · 25 Jul Want to let us know about new or updated pages quickly? Use Search Console's Fetch & Submit for individual pages, or just have your CMS tell us directly with a sitemap file or feed. Find out more: https:// wer/6065812 … Google Webmasters ✔ @googlewmc We've had to drop the public submission feature, but we continue to welcome your submissions using the usual tool in Search Console and through sitemaps directly. 3:55 PM - Jul 25, 2018 39 40 people are talking about this Twitter Ads info and privacy Why was this done? While there were some site owners who used it to submit URLs who were unaware of Google Search Console, it is likely the majority ...