Set Up Your AWS DeepLens Device
When setting up your AWS DeepLens device, you perform the following tasks while your computer is connected to your device's AMDC- NNNN network: Enable the device's internet connection through your home or office wireless (Wi-Fi) or wired (Ethernet) network. Attach to your device the AWS-provisioned security certificate as discussed in Register Your AWS DeepLens Device . Set up login access to the device, including with an SSH connection or a wired connection. Optionally, download the streaming certificate from the device to enable viewing project video output in a supported browser. If your computer is no longer a member of the AMDC- NNNN network because your AWS DeepLens device has exited setup mode, follow the instructions in Connect to Your AWS DeepLens Device's Wi-Fi Network to establish a connection and to open the device setup page, again, before proceeding further. To set up your AWS DeepLens device If your AWS D...