Lets Generate a free SSL certificate and run an HTTPS server in 5 minutes or less (Node + Express + LetsEncrypt)
What you actually came for First , you need those few things: A server running on a linux distribution with root access (via SSH) NodeJS: https://nodejs.org/en/ Express : npm install express Certbot To install certbot, copy-paste those lines in a terminal : $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:certbot/certbot $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install certbot Second , you will generate an SSL certificate with certbot : $ certbot certonly --manual Type your domain name(s) without the protocol part. For instance: yourdomain.com or even muchdomain.verysite. Type Y then ENTER. Note two things : a-string : The name of the file you have to create, right now. Just create it, we’ll take care of the directories later. a-challenge: Open the file you just created and put this challenge string into it. Nothing else, just this challenge string. Now, don’t continue. You need to run a web server with Node & Express. Keep your term...